is the story of an undocumented minor, a newcomer from West Africa, who is smuggled to Canada to become "spare parts" for The Program, a small, but well organized black market, organ harvesting operation. It is run by Angels, ruthless international child traffickers and stakeholders who are well connected and highly sophisticated. Prey of Angels is about the easy victimization of invisible youth from abroad who belong to systems and have no family or allies looking out for them – youth who are far too easy to lose. Except for one!
Jeff Stanton, a well known journalist, is viciously assaulted outside his Toronto home. The police think it’s a hate crime because Jeff is gay, but Jeff’s family and Zabera Hussan, a social worker who works with undocumented minors in Toronto, several of whom have mysteriously disappeared from their foster homes, believe differently. After months of working on an exposé about human trafficking in Toronto, Jeff discovers that there are Angels out there - cold blooded killers trafficking sex and human organs. The closer he gets to the truth, the more the Angels want him dead. No one except Zabera believes Jeff's claims, and the police are hesitant to offer any assistance without solid proof. Jeff’s proof, however, rests with Awa Akande, a sixteen year old, West African, undocumented minor who has gone into hiding following the gruesome murder of her friend and foster sister, Ling Li, another undocumented minor and suspected victim of the Angels. All hopes of exposing the Angels and their operation come to a screeching halt when Jeff’s assault leaves him in a coma. Now, Zabera, and Jeff’s father and sister, must finish what Jeff has started, and with a little luck, find Awa Akande before the Angels do.
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